12 Essential steps for healing from the inside out when you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or burnt out.

In this Guidebook you will:

Learn the steps needed to get you on a journey toward holistic and lasting wellness

Receive helpful tips about nutritional foundations of wellness

Learn the importance of advocating for your own well-being with your healthcare providers and in your personal and professional lives. 

Learn how to address triggers and negative self-talk so you can make more empowered choices in your life

I'm so glad you're here! 

Today, right now - you've landed in the perfect spot. Because this is where I've decided to make my pathway to transformation available to anyone who needs it! 

Only moments away, the roadmap to health and wellness that I crafted as I recovered from my darkest hour. The steps I took to climb out of the most difficult situation I have ever experienced will instantly become YOURS to learn, benefit, and grow from.

About your Guide: 

Laurelann Porter, MFA, PhD

In 2020 I faced a mental and physical health crisis.  I didn’t know where to start but I knew I needed to dig deep and do some real healing if I was going to find a way out of the workaholic nightmare I had built for myself. Within 12 months I found myself almost completely free of symptoms from fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and rheumatoid arthritis.  So I’ve created this guidebook to help other people forge the pathway to start their own healing journey. This is the resource I wish I had 18 months ago.